So, if you've read any of my site, you know by now the first bound story I wrote was Ray Sting in Sub-m.a.r.i.n.e, which was later changed to Ray Sting and Everything for the Young Author's convention when I was 10-12 years old. The original story was 12 pages long and "somewhere" stored at my parent's house. When I went to visit again recently, I made a diligent search for it, but to no avail. However, I did find a folder with several of my stories and lo and behold, the 12-page draft of Sub-m.a.r.i.n.e was there. So as promised, I will be releasing it here. Originally, I was going to release the whole story, but as it was originally written as multiple cliff hangers, I will post it from cliff hanger to cliff hanger. Do not despair, I was only 10-12 when I wrote it. I want to modernize Ray Sting for a new audience.
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