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The Ridge Writers

Jacob and Daddy

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My son Jacob was the first to write and publish a book, AND have it accepted into a library when he was just 6 years old.  I started writing stories for my son when he was 5 years old (read more on this at the About page).  It was not until he was 8 years old did I decide to try and publish a story.   I hope you like The Marsh Adventures, my first published book, and the other books I have in the pipeline.  My goal is to write engaging and captivating stories, not just for children, but for people of all ages.  I find the challenge is to write something different, but in the old style, with a new ending.  So check out the books we have out and upcoming.  We are just writers on the ridge

Upcoming on a cover for more information

The Marsh Adventures - Of Times and Places
The Message by Steve Patton

Christmas 2024...

A Band of Dogs by Steve Patton
The Sun Also Sets by Steve Patton

Fall 2024

The Marsh Adventures - Generations Lost
Napoleon and Elizabeth by Steve Patton

Copyright 2024

for more detailed information on each book, go to the Books Page...

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